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Christmas is a time of gifts.But many children around the world aren't wishing for a new toy car or a doll:they are wishing for better living conditions and security.And it is exactly these children wewant to give a gift to this festive season-in the form of a donation to the value of 200,000 euros,which will benefit the aid organisation UNICEF.The children's charity UNICEF is an agency of the United Nations and was founded in1946.It supports children and mothers in approx.160 countries in the areas of health,family planning,hygiene,nutrition and education and provides humanitarian aid in emergency situations.圣诞节是一个普天同庆的欢乐日子,可是并不是所有的孩子都能享受圣诞节带来的合家欢聚,因为他们仍然挣扎在生存的边缘。解决温饱与安全问题,是他们生活的主旋律。中国人有一句话叫“施比受更有福”,DEKRA深明这句话的意义,今年我们为这些生活在社会边缘的孩子和家庭捐献出20万欧元,以我们的善意和社会责任使命感更好地诠释何为“施比受更有福”。这虽古老却永不过时!
Thank you very much for your support and cooperation in the past year.Season's greetings and a healthy,successful New Year for 2013.衷心感谢您在过去一年给予DEKRA的支持和帮助,DEKRA在新的一年来临之际祝愿您健康,幸福!
DEKRA Testing and certification (Shanghai) Ltd.
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T + 86 21 60567666